Q: How many main filters/filter tags can i create in the RPC Portfolio?

A: Short answer: as many as you like - read on for some recommendations

While you can create as many main filters and filter tags as you like, you should consider some practical reasons:

If you create a lot of main filters, these might not be displayable in the frontend due to the lack of space, or it may break your site's design.
Also consider mobile devices / devices with low resolution. Here, the cap may be reached even sooner due to the low screen resolution.

Our recommendation : use about 4 to 5 main filters, depending on the length of the label, and on the width of your template/screen resolution.
If you want to use more main filters, you may want to disable the control buttons and switch the default output to grid mode, since the list mode might have problems displaying more than 5 main filters.
